For our church
- Pray for each of us as we live with the peace of God in an anxious society. Pray that we might be able to share with people the reason we have hope instead of fear.
- Prayer for a Senior Pastor. We know God knows exactly who he wants to be our Senior Pastor. Pray that God continues to prepare his heart for the job. Pray for our patience as we wait for a Senior Pastor to arrive.
- Pray for our Campuses. Thank God for our campuses. Pray for Nathan and Josiah as they lead their congregations, and prepare to become independent congregations in God’s own timing.
For our Nation
- Pray for our nation as we continue to see Covid-19 spread.
- Pray for wisdom for our leaders as they make decisions on restrictions, and the impact – social, mental, economic – of these.
- We have received a plea from our brothers and sisters at Kirkbrae Presbyterian Home in Melbourne who are affected by the Covid-19 outbreak. For the latest update from Kirkbrae, visit
For our Mission Partners
- Linda McKerrell (Taiwan) has requested prayer for her mum, as she recovers from a recent heart attack. Pray for continued healing, and thanks that Linda was able to be at home with her.
- We have received an update from Paul and Debbie Howell in the Philippines. Praise God for the release of a bible translation in the native language! Please continue to pray that people will be reached with the gospel. To watch the video update, check out the post in last week’s newsletter