Being Intentional with our Giving

If you’re a regular here at Living Church, you would know that we’ve just finished our Vision and Mission series. We spent 4 weeks looking at how we can live out our mission to make Christ-like disciples in South-East Brisbane and beyond. We looked at some of Sam Chan’s ideas around merging universes, building and deepening relationships etc and one of the key things we talked about was that we want to be intentional.

One of the things we can be intentional about is how we give. We give of our time, our money, ourselves. We have some great ministries here at Living Church, in a great building with great equipment but that all costs money. We work hard as a church to steward the resources we have faithfully and are careful and prayerful when we set our budget. We are intentional about tracking different costs, looking for more cost-effective ways to run things whilst not diminishing the gospel impact.

So, are you being intentional? As we well and truly get into a new year, have you reviewed your giving? Have you checked that your direct debits are still coming out? If we really are going to reach the lost and be making Christ-like disciples in South-East Brisbane and beyond, we all need to be playing our part. This will always look different for each of us. Some will be able to give a lot, some won’t be able to give as much. The important thing is that we’re all being intentional about what we can do.