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Living Church Prayer – 23 July 2020

For our Church
  1. Please pray for our Senior Pastor Selection Committee – as they continue to weigh up options, and speak to candidates, may God grant them wisdom and patience. It is a difficult time for anyone to be considering a move, but we know that God is sovereign and in control, and he knows exactly who and when a new Senior Pastor will come. Please pray for us to have patience and submission to God’s plan and will.
  2. Please pray for our Board – as they meet next Tuesday (28/7/2020) please pray for wisdom as they consider and discuss the items before them.
For our Country
  1. Please continue to pray for those affected by Covid-19, and wisdom for the leaders God has placed to lead our country and states through this.
For our Mission Partnerships
  1. We’ve received an update from the Howells in the Philippines. They’ve finished their translation, and printed copies are being distributed. Praise God that people will have access to the bible in their own language. Pray that are able to get these bibles to where they’re needed. For more on this update, you can watch their video in this week’s newsletter post
  2. The Partnerships Committee is meeting for a planning day this Saturday. They will be spending some time with some of our partners planning how we can best care for our partners