2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. – Ephesians 5:2

Crickey, what a walk! Walk in the way of love. That is big ask – if in my own strength.  

Paul is calling me to walk like Jesus walked. From the comfort of my lounge chair (where I’m writing this reflection), that doesn’t sound like much fun! Jesus’ time on Earth then his death on the cross was full of pain, hurt and a disappointment. Yet throughout he loved like no other.  

I can’t do that. It’s not in my nature. Holy Spirit, please guide me. If you’re in my growth group, please uphold me in prayer. We are all in this together! 

Also… what is a fragrant offering mentioned here? In Leviticus 3, we find sacrifices that the Lord finds pleasing. I learned that sacrifice offering to the Lord was the way of keeping in a right relationship with God. So, what is different about Christ’s sacrifice and the one’s found in Leviticus? Jesus blood sacrifice forgives yours and my sins and restores our relationship with God – for eternity! Praise God! 

Here is an idea… What fragrance is pleasing to you? When you smell that, say thank you to God for Jesus fragrant sacrifice and be reminded of the calling to walk the way of love.  

Bunnings BBQ’s may take on a whole new meaning! 

Tim Collard – Creek Road Campus