The Pharisees are irritated with the joy in those that accompany Jesus into Jerusalem
Luke 19:39 – 40
39 Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, ‘Teacher, rebuke your disciples!’
40 ‘I tell you,’ he replied, ‘if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.’

Amongst the tumult and excitement of Jesus entering Jerusalem, the Pharisees still aren’t happy. The disciples of Jesus are loud & proud about Jesus – understandably so, given the miracles and other mighty works they have seen. However, the Pharisees, in an illustration of verse 14 (which reads “his citizens hated him and sent a delegation after him, saying ‘we do not want this man to reign over us’ “) want everyone to settle down and for the focus to shift away from Jesus. Maybe the Pharisees want everyone to go back to revering the Pharisees? Jesus’ rebuke is a reminder that all creation was made to worship the King, who is Lord of all.
Head: when are we most often tempted to quash other people’s joy?
Heart: why?
Hands: think of one way this week you can encourage others to be joyful for Jesus.
Prayer: Lord, we are sorry that we are more like the Pharisees than we care to admit. We pray for hearts that find joy in you – so much joy that we can’t keep it a secret and share it with others.
A song to listen to: All creation
Oliver Meehan
Living Church Creek Road