Big idea

King David leads Israel in a great celebration of joy. Only King Jesus brings a joyful celebration that lasts forever.

Bible passage

Read 2 Samuel 6:1-23

You will need

Access to the internet

All Ages Activity

Watch the video: Bible Theater: 2 Samuel – David Dances, on YouTube

You may like to also dance to the Lord.

Some songs you could choose from

I Will Be Undignified by Rend Collective

King David Danced by Scooter Lee

Undignified by David Crowder Band)


We are usually very careful not to embarrass ourselves, so we tend to try blend in and do what everyone else does. There are times, however, when the crowd we follow do things that don’t feel right, and it makes us miserable. Before this bible reading Israel was miserable and we see here how David put his trust in God and led his people back to God. We see his complete joy at having the symbol of God back in Israel by the way he danced. He danced without worrying what others (including his wife), thought. When we are miserable in the world, we can find lasting satisfaction and joy when we put our trust in Jesus and enjoy God’s presence in our lives.

Prayer idea

Dear Lord

Please help us focus fully on you and not be guided by our own will or by what others think. Help us to be joyful like David and celebrate your presence in our lives.

In Jesus name we pray
