The sermon on the Mount begins with Jesus calling his disciples together and then in verse 2 it says, (lit.) “having opened his mouth, Jesus taught them, saying.”  This is Jesus speaking directly to his followers.  As we hear more of that message today when we gather with God’s people, it is worth pondering that while we will hear a human voice, in so far as we hear the message of this sermon we are hearing from Jesus.  This is always the case when we hear the word of God but here it is so obvious, we should not miss the power of the words.

It is good then that we listen to word of God, read, and preached, with the care it deserves.  This is even more important when we consider that what we will hear will turn the thinking of this world upside down.  It is through a focused listening to Jesus that we can drown out the voices of our age which will tell us anything apart from us being the salt of the earth and the light of the world.  It is only from Jesus that we will hear that he has come to fulfill the law of God in his life, death, and resurrection.

Be encouraged to join today’s service listening carefully to Jesus’ message to you.