On March 9 we are holding our first Workshop for the year. We are going to be learning how to tell bible stories to people
We are again looking to go to Woorabinda Indigenous community for a cross cultural exposure trip. It is always an extraordinary time away growing in
“It’s easy. We’re always hanging out. Dinners, movies, barbecues. We’re always going to their things. So they’re happy to come to one of our things.” James explains that this is a basic principle of building relationships and making friends. He further elaborates that if we want people to come into our community, we have to go to theirs. This means being good friends and good community members
Living Church is made up of all sorts of teams for all sorts of people, with all sorts of gifts. We have teams for youth,
If you would like to find out more about Membership at Living Church – plan to come along on Sunday 3 March 2024. Venue: Room
Join Ryan and Mel Dehnert over dessert for a chance to hear about what’s been happening in their cross cultural ministry over the past year.
Christians, look for opportunities to merge your universes and build relationships with non-Christians. Merging universes is a lifestyle change that requires sacrifice and intentionality.
At Living Church, we want all of our members to be taking a lively interest in the whole welfare of the church and contribute heartily
Living Church is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland.
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