Kids Activity Sheets | Jesus Servant and King 1
Kids Activity Sheets Wk 1 (age 3-4) MINIS Jesus Servant and King T1 2021Wk 1 (PREP or KINDY) PREP Jesus Servant and KingWk 1 LOWER
Kids Activity Sheets Wk 1 (age 3-4) MINIS Jesus Servant and King T1 2021Wk 1 (PREP or KINDY) PREP Jesus Servant and KingWk 1 LOWER
Of the many disciples Jesus had, he chose 12 to graduate from “followers” to those who are “sent-forth”. Luke 6:12-16 One of those days Jesus
Jesus came to show us a new way. He can overcome things that hold you back. Luke 6:6-11 On another Sabbath he went into the synagogue
Are there times when you haven’t had the courage to speak up about Jesus? Luke 6:1-5 One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and
Jesus brings newness to every aspect of life Luke 5:37-39 And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst
In 1 Timothy the Lord gives us descriptions of how to recognise Church leader’s after God’s own heart.
Our lives are beyond patching up, and the only solution is for Jesus to give us a radically new one. Luke 5:36 He told them
I’ve never really fasted before or understood why people do it but now I do. Luke 5:33-35 They said to him, “John’s disciples often fast and
Matthew’s radical decision to follow Jesus, may appear to have been borne out of a hatred for his former way of life as a tax
In light of the forgiveness of our sins in Christ, we respond like the paralysed man: praising God and walking in newness of life. Luke
Living Church is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland.
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