July 2021


This week, Sunday is the final day of the Gardeners of the Galaxy program. Service will be delivered online with some community engagement activities using Kahoot.it. All families and community members are encouraged to participate in the live online service from 9am.

8.7 Thursday

God’s ultimate revelation God’s programme to bring humanity back to himself, also known as redemption, involved an astonishing process of progressive revelation, ultimately expressed in

7.7 Wednesday

God’s Just Judgment of Sin Eli is an ambiguous character, but God rightly judges him and his sons for their sins – and ultimately sends

6.7 Tuesday

Joyfulness in times of disappointment Sometimes in life things don’t go our way. Hannah’s story demonstrates to us how we can have joy when we

5.7 Monday

Two gluttonous scoundrels My country has recently had a Royal Commission into abuse largely perpetrated by priests and other church leaders over many decades. 1

4.7 Sunday

Psalm 3 1 Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me!2 Many are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.” 3 But you, Lord, are

3.7 Saturday

Read through this beloved Psalm.  Then read it again, but this time bring it home more sharply to yourself by replacing the words “me” and

2.7 Friday

Upon this Rock In Hannah’s prayer, we read “there is no Rock like our God”, pointing forward to Christ the Rock, the chief cornerstone of

1.7 Thursday

Trust in God Elkanah and Hannah’s lives and marriage were based on their trust in God. 1 Samuel 1:21-28 21 When her husband Elkanah went up

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