Top tips for having difficult conversations
These tips were collated by Toni Cash, and have come from years of experience in having loving and hard conversations.
These tips were collated by Toni Cash, and have come from years of experience in having loving and hard conversations.
Lifeline has developed a range of free toolkits to provide you with information and assistance during challenging times. Browse and download our range of toolkits
Mary’s Story Mary loves her Growth Group and she loves being the Growth Group Leader. She loves that the people in it share their lives
When your team leader does the rosters for the term, it’s helpful for them to know when you are and aren’t available to serve. Find
This paper is designed to set out important aspects of inviting people to GG. We would like to prioritise centralised allocations where possible, but accept
The role of a growth group leader at Living Church, how the role fits in with a person’s spiritual health, and the support and structures.
Living Church is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland.
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