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April 2021

23.4 Passing on Mercy

How many times have you been let off the hook so you wouldn’t have to face negative consequences? For followers of Jesus, this is our life.  So

22.4 Love Your Enemies.

It is hard to love your enemies, but you can do it with the strength of God and by doing so you are not only a powerful

21.4 Blessings

Jesus came to transform our hearts to really love others, so watch, listen and follow him all the way home.  Luke 6:17-26 17He went down

20.4 “Sent-forth” Men

Of the many disciples Jesus had, he chose 12 to graduate from “followers” to those who are “sent-forth”. Luke 6:12-16 One of those days Jesus

19.4 Lord of the Sabbath

Are there times when you haven’t had the courage to speak up about Jesus? Luke 6:1-5 One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and

18.4 Fast now to feast later?

I’ve never really fasted before or understood why people do it but now I do. Luke 5:33-35 They said to him, “John’s disciples often fast and

17.4 Called to Serve

Matthew’s radical decision to follow Jesus, may appear to have been borne out of a hatred for his former way of life as a tax

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