January 2021

5.1 The Presence of God

Imagine being in the line-up when Jesus was baptised, and feeling the presence of God as never before. Luke 3:21-22 When all the people were

4.1 The wilderness voice locked up

These two verses spell the beginning of the end of the ministry of this outspoken prophet John the Baptist. Luke 3:19-20 But when John rebuked

3.1 The unlikely messengers

God can use anyone to do His work because it is He who gives the power and it is His Spirit that does the work.

2.1 Following Jesus

Following Jesus involves putting ourselves last and putting Jesus and others first. Luke 3: 10-14  10“What should we do then?” the crowd asked. 11 John answered, “Anyone

1.1 Relying on Repentance?

True repentance comes at a cost – are you relying on repentance? Luke 3:7-9 John said to the crowds coming out to be baptised by

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