The Authority of Jesus

Jesus authority was questioned by those who opposed him, which reminds us to think about how we know Jesus speaks with the authority of God.

Who is the King?

The Pharisees were at odds with Jesus because they failed to recognize that he is Lord and King over them.  Luke 19:47 – 48 47 Every

House of Prayer for all nations

Intro Sentence: Jesus’ rebuke of the temple traders (money-changers) was part of God’s appeal to humanity to not desecrate their covenant with him, that he was

Jesus Wept.

How do you show someone you love them?  Luke 19:41 – 44 41 As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it 42 and said, ‘If

Jesus is King

The Pharisees are irritated with the joy in those that accompany Jesus into Jerusalem Luke 19:39 – 40 39 Some of the Pharisees in the crowd

Talk 1 | Recognising The King | The Way Home 5

Judgment will fall on the leaders of Jerusalem and their temple because they failed to recognise the time of God’s coming to them. Salvation will come through the destruction of the Jerusalem temple and the resurrection of the living temple in Jesus. 

Getting Priorities Right

It is easy to become so engrossed in life that our commitment to the Lord is forgotten and everything else has a greater priority. Haggai

Exuberant Praise

Because Jesus is all glorious, then exuberant praise is always appropriate. Luke 19:37 – 38 37 When he came near the place where the road goes

The Lord has need of it.

At last Jesus is about to enter Jerusalem.  Luke 19:28 – 36 Jesus comes to Jerusalem as king 28 After Jesus had said this, he went

Flattery blinds us to the truth

Passion isn’t always truth, so we need to be careful to discern what people are being passionate about. Galatians 4:17-20 17 Those people are zealous

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