Fear from the Word of the Lord

It is not a bad thing to hear God’s word and then be gripped by a sense of fear. Haggai 1:12 12 Then Zerubbabel son of

Image & Belonging

Whose image and inscription are on it?  Luke 20:21 – 26 21 So the spies questioned him: ‘Teacher, we know that you speak and teach what is

Using Questions as a Smokescreen

Sometimes asking ‘clever’ questions about God are a smokescreen to hide what’s really going on in our hearts.   Luke 20: 20 20 Keeping a close watch on

Fear of Being Exposed

: Because they were being exposed as sinners many of the leaders were seeking to silence Jesus. Luke 20:19 19 The teachers of the law and

What to do with Jesus

What are you going to do with Jesus?  Luke 20:14 – 16 14 ‘But when the tenants saw him, they talked the matter over. “This is

A Gift from God

God is the one who opens our eyes to the gift of his grace to us in Jesus.  Luke 20:9 – 13  The parable of the tenants 

Talk 2 | Rejecting the King | The Way Home 5

Judgment will fall upon the leaders of Israel and the Temple, because they will kill God’s beloved son Jesus, rejecting his God given authority. Through his resurrection Jesus will become the new temple, the place where all people come to meet God – whether in salvation or judgment

Dealing with Life’s Struggles

Life is full of struggles and we need to ask if there is something we should learn from them. Haggai 1:6 – 11 6 You

Who is your authority?

This passage follows the question the authorities had asked Jesus about who had given him authority to do his ministry of proclaiming the good news. 

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