23.12 Liberation at last!

The announcement of Jesus’ arrival heralds the liberation of His people form the oppression of sin. Luke 1:67-80 His father Zechariah was filled with the

21.12 A Very Strange Name

What’s in a name? Well, a lot, apparently, as we read in Luke chapter 1. Luke 1:57-66 When it was time for Elizabeth to have

20.12 Magnificat – Magnify the Lord

In the Latin text of the Bible, Mary’s song is called the Magnificat and has passed into many beautiful choral settings throughout the ages. Luke

19.12 Ordinary to Extraordinary

God’s new way home starts with 2 ordinary women to set up an extraordinary plan Luke 1:39-45 At that time Mary got ready and hurried

18.1 Only Jesus Can Clean Us

Jesus reaches out to those who come to him knowing he is their only hope to be cleansed and restored.  Luke 5:12-14 While Jesus was

17.12 He Has Taken Away My Shame

In Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God showed her favour and lifted her shame – whilst her baby, John, would prepare the way for Jesus, who would take

16.12 Silenced

Zechariah just got some great news! So why has he been silenced? Luke 1:19-20 The angel said to him, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the

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