Day 2 – Monday
17 So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the
17 So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the
We gather with the Lord today as the people of God. This is true whether we are “live” or online. He will speak to us
Jesus often withdrew to be alone and spend time with his Father. Over the holidays for Grow Daily we are seeking to slow down and
Kids Activity Sheets Walk In Love Week 1 – Pre-Primary (ages 3-4)Walk in Love Week 1 – Prep/Kindy (Prep)Walk in Love Week 1 – Lower
Since we have put on the “new humanity” in Christ, created to be like God, don’t live as if you are still enslaved under the power of your sinful nature, which corrupts and destroys the possibility of life with God.
Jesus often withdrew to be alone and spend time with his Father. Over the holidays for Grow Daily we are seeking to slow down and
Jesus often withdrew to be alone and spend time with his Father. Over the holidays for Grow Daily we are seeking to slow down and
Jesus often withdrew to be alone and spend time with his Father. Over the holidays for Grow Daily we are seeking to slow down and
Jesus often withdrew to be alone and spend time with his Father. Over the holidays for Grow Daily we are seeking to slow down and
Living Church is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland.
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