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October 2020

Day 7 – Saturday

This week we have looked at forgiveness. In my life I have had to forgive people for their wrongdoings towards me and I can say that

Day 6 – Friday

8 The Lord is compassionate and gracious,     slow to anger, abounding in love. 9 He will not always accuse,     nor will he harbor

Week 3 Day 5 – Thursday

21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to

Day 4 – Wednesday

Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; 2     Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive     to my cry for mercy.

Week 3 Day 3 – Tuesday

2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice

Day 2 – Monday

2 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. 5 1 Follow God’s example, therefore, as

Day 1 – Sunday

The well-known love chapter of I Corinthians (chapter 13) begins, “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love,

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