August 2020

By Grace I am redeemed

God didn’t send Jesus to save us because of any good or bad thing we have, but because of his great love for us. Eph.

Don’t overlook sin.

I have to be honest I was a bit disappointed to be allocated these verses. It would have been easier to focus on the positive

Kids Activity Sheets | Ephesians Week 4

Ephesians Week 4 – Pre-Primary (ages 3-4) Ephesians Week 4 – Prep/Kindy (Prep) Ephesians Week 4 – Lower Primary (Grade 1-2) Ephesians Week 4 –

Good News

As you read this passage, don’t skim through it quickly, but spend time meditating on each verse. Eph. 2:1-10  As for you, you were dead

Head of the Body

Jesus’ lordship makes him the head of the church. Eph. 1:22-23 22 And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be

Measuring an immeasurable power

How do you paint a picture of an immeasurable power? Eph. 1:20-21 20 he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him

An update from our campuses

Please find below an update from our Springfield and City South campus pastors, Josiah and Nathan, on where their respective campuses are at, and what

Bible Talks


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Songs we sing

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