August 2020

Notice of Congregational Meeting

A Congregational Meeting will be held for all 3 campuses of Living Church on 30 August 2020 to vote on this motion: Request the Mowbray

Reconciled by Christ | Ephesians Week 5 | 16 August

The cross of Christ overcame the Old Testament Law’s exclusion of Gentiles from the people of God, giving Jew and Gentile equal access to the presence of God and reconciliation by the one gospel of Jesus applied to each by the one Holy Spirit.

The Gift of Grace

Grace. It is more than justice. More than forgiveness. More than mercy. Grace is the unconditional love of God. Grace is being welcomed into the

Heavenly Life

Christians should recognise that their life is anchored to Jesus who is in heaven. Eph. 2:6-7 6 And God raised us up with Christ and

Bible Talks


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