Watching our services online
Here is a quick tip on where to find things within the livestream (e.g. re-watch the talk)… Go to Click on the link to the
Here is a quick tip on where to find things within the livestream (e.g. re-watch the talk)… Go to Click on the link to the
Below is one of my favourite passages in 1 Corinthians that shows us the image of the church as one body with many parts working
12 July saw our first gathering at the ministry centre in nearly 4 months. What a joy to gather together, sing, pray, and hear from
The Spotlight team were busy filming the Spotlights for our first part of Ephesians. What will those knights learn in Knight School? Join us from
We haven’t been able to have our annual School Holiday program this year, but the memories from Community Connects past have been flying thick and
Aug 09 2020 11:00 am – 12:30 pm Kids Church Picnic Meadowlands Picnic Ground Aug 16 2020 9:00 am – 10:00 am Creek Road Campus
It is a privilege to belong to the Body of Christ and to be able to use the gifts given to us to serve others.
This week we have looked at the Good News of Jesus. He is the True Vine. Apart from him we are dead. When we accept
We’re just over a week out from our first Sunday gathering at the ministry centre since March, and there’s a bit of excitement around as you might expect. Obviously with COVID restrictions still in place, Sundays will be a little different. There are more details on this in this post from a couple of week’s ago.
This Sunday we will begin meeting in person for Sunday services again, yet a number of our church family will remain away for valid reasons.
Living Church is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland.
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