July 2020

Ephesians Series Overview

As we head into our new Ephesians series, Josiah Wilson gives us a bit of background into the letter, and what we can hope to

Living Church Prayer – 23 July 2020

For our Church Please pray for our Senior Pastor Selection Committee – as they continue to weigh up options, and speak to candidates, may God

God’s power to change

God’s power changes Paul’s heart radically  Acts 26:12-18  12 “On one of these journeys I was going to Damascus with the authority and commission of the

Mercy Alone

Persecution of Christians is only understandable when we know what a threat God’s mercy is to stubborn rebels. Acts 26:1-11 Then Agrippa said to Paul,

The Promised King, our Hope

Paul’s great hope, which sustained him in the face of accusations and suffering, was Jesus Christ – the fulfilment of all God’s promises.  Acts 26:1-11  

God Works Miraculously

Through Paul’s story we see the way God works miraculously and with great power.  Acts 26:1-29 26 Then Agrippa said to Paul, “You have permission to

Bible Talks


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