March 19, 2020

How to be the church in our current landscape

Chris Pine and Andrea Pryde discuss ways and opportunities the changes to our church present us in reaching people in our community, and how to engage with our church community.

How to do Kids Church at Home

Living Church Kids Pastor, Tom Fittell, goes through the curriculum the Living Church kids church team use each week, to help you think through how you can help your kids get involved and engage with the bible at home.

Covid19 Update 18/03/2020

Hi All. Please find below an important update on how the Prime Minister’s update on Covid 19 today affects our campus. Please watch it, reach

Living Church Online Term 1 Week 8 | Behold The King

Jesus doesn’t represent the gods that Peter, the religious leaders and the rulers believe in and so they can’t recognize that God could be so good that he would send his beloved Son to die for sinners. Each, in their own way, denies Jesus’ right to be God’s king over them.

The Mercenary or the King?

We are all faced with a choice at some point in our lives- to follow the crowd or to follow the Lord?  Luke 23:13 –

Bible Talks


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Songs we sing

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