February 2020

Are You Dependent on God?

God is the provider of all our needs. Be encouraged by a woman who gave all she had. Luke 21:1 – 4 The widow’s offering

Whose Lord is he?

God’s promised Messiah is Lord over everyone, even the most powerful kings.  Luke 20:41 – 44 41 Then Jesus said to them, ‘Why is it said that the Messiah is

Life After Death

Do you really believe you will rise from the dead one day?   Luke 20:27 – 40 The resurrection and marriage 27 Some of the Sadducees, who

Talk 3 | Interrogating the King | The Way Home 5

Jesus lived the life of true integrity – his outside reflected his inside. He was the true image of God. Follower of Jesus must beware the trap of hypocrisy, of false religion, and a corrupt heart and destructive life. See that the kingdoms of this world are monstrous and hurt others. See the subtle ways we might try to “trap” Jesus for the sake of our own agenda. At some point we need to stop asking trick questions of Jesus and decide how to live.

Fear from the Word of the Lord

It is not a bad thing to hear God’s word and then be gripped by a sense of fear. Haggai 1:12 12 Then Zerubbabel son of

Image & Belonging

Whose image and inscription are on it?  Luke 20:21 – 26 21 So the spies questioned him: ‘Teacher, we know that you speak and teach what is

Using Questions as a Smokescreen

Sometimes asking ‘clever’ questions about God are a smokescreen to hide what’s really going on in our hearts.   Luke 20: 20 20 Keeping a close watch on

Fear of Being Exposed

: Because they were being exposed as sinners many of the leaders were seeking to silence Jesus. Luke 20:19 19 The teachers of the law and

Bible Talks


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