February 2020

Readiness for the Passover

Jesus shows he is prepared for the Passover which foreshadows his sacrifice that had to come.   Luke 22:7 – 16 The Last Supper 7 Then came the day of

Getting rid of Jesus

This is a disturbing passage on a number of levels  Luke 22:1 – 6 Judas agrees to betray Jesus 22 Now the Festival of Unleavened Bread, called the

Hostility and Peace

Jesus had constant hostility from some groups, but others were hanging on his every word.  Luke 21:37 – 38 37 Each day Jesus was teaching at the temple,

Hope in the Chaos

Jesus uses a parable to explain that the chaos of the world is a reminder to Christians that one day Christ will return and provide

Watch and Pray

Jesus urges us all to be careful that the worries of life don’t distract us from trusting in him.  Luke 21:34 – 36 34 ‘Be careful,

Confidence and not Anxiety

Jesus describes times which could cause great anxiety but shows us we are to trust him.  Luke 21:25 – 28 25 ‘There will be signs in

I Am with You

The Lord has promised to be with his people but what exactly does that mean? Haggai 1:13 13 Then Haggai, the Lord’s messenger, gave this message

A City Under Judgement

Jesus assures his disciples that Jerusalem would be destroyed but provides hope for his people through his own person and work  Luke 21:20 – 24 20 ‘When you

Hope in the Middle of Calamity

Jesus warns of very difficult times ahead for his people but assures us that, as we trust him, all will be well.  Luke 21:5 –

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