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January 2020

The Joy of Hospitality

Warmly and generously welcoming newcomers is something we should do often and do together.

Saved from Indulgence to Service

Because Christ has saved us from gluttony, and in light of his return, we have been saved from a life of indulgence and complacency to a life of sacrificial service.

The Diet Starts Tomorrow

Ever crammed in that last double chocolate sundae with extra waffles, smiled and said “The diet starts tomorrow”?

LIFE; Beyond Gluttony

Gluttony is when we hunger for created things rather than being hungry for God and what he wants. Jesus fills our hunger.

Seeking Satisfaction

We try to find satisfaction in an excess of things that will spoil and fade. Jesus invites us to believe in him as the bread of life and be eternally satisfied.

Hunger for the Right Path

What is it that you hunger for? Proverbs 23:19-21 19 Listen, my son, and be wise,     and set your heart on the right path: 20 Do not join

Loving Beyond Lust

I’m surprised at how easily our eyes can wander. Ephesians 5:25-27 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for

God’s Commands for Our Own Good

Sometimes the Bible is full of fantastic metaphors and sometimes it’s just frank and forthright. Here we have an example of the latter, so why

Bible Talks


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