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The Compassionate Leader

Jesus is a different type of leader than the leaders we see around him.  John 5:1-18 Some time later, Jesus went up to Jerusalem for

This is Living | Talk 1 | Living Lord

The world is dying. The grave is our destiny. Jesus is the Lord of life and death who changes our destiny (don’t settle for a new year when you can have a new life). The first step is find the resurrected Jesus (he’s not in the grave) and so find your future. Your future starts today … together as a living church.

Never be hungry

Are you hungry?  John 4:27-42 27 Just then his disciples returned and were surprised to find him talking with a woman. But no one asked, “What do

Never be thirsty

Jesus offers a drink that quenches thirst so deeply that the one who drinks it will never again be thirsty.  John 4:1-26 Now Jesus learned

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