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Spirit of Belief

Throughout John 7-10, controversy is growing about Jesus: is he the long awaited for Messiah? People disapprove of his teaching. Others take offense at his claim

Never Be Thirsty

Jesus is making a big announcement at the end the Festival in this passage. What do you think this announcement means? John 7:25-44 25 At

Anything but abundant

Jesus is God’s abundant blessing to his people but the people reject him. John 7:14-24 14 Not until halfway through the festival did Jesus go up

This is Living | Talk 2 | Living Spirit

The dying world leaves us grabbing and thirsting for abundance. We know that living this way doesn’t satisfy us. Jesus offers an abundant life that flows to us and through us. The first step is to taste and see – find the satisfaction of your thirst in Jesus. If your eternity is shaped by drinking at the well of Jesus, shape your plans for this year around that – giving, hospitality, life-flowing… together as a living church.

Starving or well fed?

Are you starving or well fed? John 6:1-14 Some time after this, Jesus crossed to the far shore of the Sea of Galilee (that is,

Overflowing abundance

Jesus is worth celebrating in abundance. John 2:1-11 On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, 2

Feasting on Jesus

What does it mean for Jesus to be the bread of life? What does it mean to ‘feast on your King’, as we sing in

God the Son

Christians believe in what we call the ‘Trinity’. We have one God; but that one God has three persons: God the Father, God the Son,

I was blind but now I see!

In the passage below we see a blind man that can now see, and seeing men that are blind. John 9:1-41 As he went along,

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