Hardness against God: Hardness against Jesus
Here is a long speech by Stephen which ends in him being killed. It can be a little hard to follow his reasoning, but he
Here is a long speech by Stephen which ends in him being killed. It can be a little hard to follow his reasoning, but he
The passage below comes after the resurrection of Jesus. It also comes after He has already ascended to heaven. Before He left the earth, however,
Focussing on Chapter 20 verses 29-31 of the following passage I am struck by how blessed I am to live this side of the death
We’ve been awaiting this moment – the Bible all points to this, Jesus’s death and then resurrection. This point in all history that has been
The key to unlocking this bible reading is in verses 25 and 26 where Jesus clearly declares that He is the resurrection and the life
Reflect on verses 8 and 9. Think about how much it would take for you to inconvenience yourself for a friend? Jesus points out that
Most connections to Jesus is through Christians sharing their lives with others.
I find these passages a box of contradictions. On the one hand we have parables with double meanings and inner depths that we need to
Jesus’ perpetual programme of healing people is nothing short of miraculous and extended from curing simple sickness to calming wild weather. Notice Jesus claim to
At the very end of these chapters at 7:28, 29, we read that the crowds were amazed because Jesus taught as one who had authority.
Living Church is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland.
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