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October 2019

Substitute in Judgement

Verses 12 & 13 tell of the night of the Passover. God’s judgement is on the land of Egypt, the people, even the animals, but

Called to Serve

God rescued Moses at birth, ensured he was well educated, then sent him off between the ages of 40 and 80 to prepare him for

Humbled by Need

These dramatic chapters show Joseph’s brothers being humbled through their need of food and their interaction with the mysterious leader of Egypt. In the opening

Dreams from God

In verses 3 to 8 in chapter 37 we read that Joseph received a dream that stimulated his brothers to hate him more than they

13 Reasons Why Not

“You don’t know what goes on in anyone’s life but your own. And when you mess with one part of a person’s life, you’re not

Subdued before the Lord

Jacob had deceived his father into providing the inheritance to him rather than his brother Esau.  Esau was, understandably, so angry that Jacob left the

Ask and you shall receive

In today’s reading the first five verses set the scene where we see the Lord’s blessing in answering prayer.  We also have an introduction to

Guided by God

Read verses 48 to 52 and notice that Abraham’s servant bowed down and worshipped the Lord because he had led him in his search of

The Lot of Sodom

Notice God’s gracious mercy even as he prepares to mete out the judgement due to the city of Sodom. The angel asks Lot if there

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