May 19, 2019

City South Talk 4 | A Sinning King | Still Waiting for the True King | 2 Samuel 11:1-27

Get your heart sorted with God. Stop the destructive pretending and have your hands cleaned.
Pursue a life of intimacy with God. Cultivate friendships that help
you listen to God. Put your hands towards bringing blessing.
King David repeats the Fall- he sees, he desires, he takes, he covers it up. We need a king who won’t take life for himself but will give life for others.
We know deep down there’s a problem with us that needs fixing. Our attempts to deal with sin outside of Jesus will only escalate sin bringing anxiety and chaos rather than peace and rest.

Talk 4 | A Sinning King | Still Waiting for the True King | 2 Samuel 11:1-27

Get your heart sorted with God. Stop the destructive pretending and have your hands cleaned.
Pursue a life of intimacy with God. Cultivate friendships that help
you listen to God. Put your hands towards bringing blessing.
King David repeats the Fall- he sees, he desires, he takes, he covers it up. We need a king who won’t take life for himself but will give life for others.
We know deep down there’s a problem with us that needs fixing. Our attempts to deal with sin outside of Jesus will only escalate sin bringing anxiety and chaos rather than peace and rest.

The Sinning King

Big idea King David takes a man’s life to cover up his own sin. King Jesus gives his own life to forgive our sin. Bible

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