19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should. – Ephesians 6:19, 20

Paul has been preparing his troops for war, and it is a war unlike any other. Bullets, bombs and even biological warfare are useless here. This is a war in the heavenly realms Paul alluded to earlier, a spiritual battle against the Adversary, Satan and his minions. He’s told us about the armour and the weapons, but the actual means of warfare is from the most unlikely source – prayer. And like a true general who rallies the troops and aims to spur them on to greatness, prayer is requested for themselves, for each other and lastly for him. 

If we ever thought prayer was a little tedious, and something to be endured before our day really begins, think again. This is where the main work happens, as we ask God to go before us and give us courage to face the inevitable challenges that await. 

And so Paul asks his troops to pray that God would give him the right words (as he uses his chief offensive weapon, the sword of the Spirit, the Bible), and courage too, to valiantly declare the good news about Jesus. As you slip into your spiritual armour tomorrow, how about praying for courage for your team and your leaders in the battle for the hearts of our neighbours.  

Sean Kluyts – Carina Campus