17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. – Ephesians 5:17

I recently read the book “Just Do Something: A liberating approach to finding God’s will” by Kevin DeYoung. In one of the chapters titled “The Way of Wisdom” he writes something I think is helpful as we think about making wise choices and seeking to live in line with the Lord’s will:
“Wisdom is what we need to live a godly life. God does not tell us the future, nor does He expect us to figure it out. When we don’t know which way to turn and are faced with tough decisions in life, God doesn’t expect us to grope in the dark for some hidden direction. He expects us to trust Him and to be wise…Wisdom is knowing God and doing as He commands. Foolishness, on the other hand, is turning from God and listening only to yourself…God is interested in more than getting us to follow His to-do list; He wants transformation. God doesn’t want us to merely give external obedience to His commands. He wants us to know Him so intimately that His thoughts become our thoughts, His ways our ways, His affections our affections. God wants us to drink so deeply of the scriptures that our heads and hearts are transformed so that we love what He loves and hate what He hates.”1
Whether you are currently facing a big tough decision or a simple choice to flee from sin, which we all face daily, God by the Holy Spirit gives us wisdom to understand how we should proceed. Consider how God may be using this situation to transform you to be more like Jesus.
Celina Fyffe – Creek Road Campus
- Autor: Kevin Deyoung (2009). Just do something : a liberating approach to finding God’s will. Editorial: Chicago, Il: Moody Publishers, pp.87–92.