When Jesus spoke to a Samaritan woman at a well, he said to her, “God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship him in Spirit and truth.” (John 2:24) It is a good reminder to us that when we worship God whether in life in general or when we gather with our fellow believers, the key issues are the work of the Holy Spirit and truth.  We stand before God helpless and entirely dependent on the work of Jesus to approach him and reliant on the Holy Spirit to guide us.  Today we will be challenged by Ephesians 5:1 – 14.   We will be reminded of many of the bad things in our lives that will make us feel guilty, but we must keep remembering there is forgiveness through Christ.  We will be challenged by the call to the adventure of living differently in the light of Jesus.  We will need the constant help of the Holy Spirit.  Throughout today and the coming week we need to face truth under the protection of the true good news of Jesus Christ; always guided by the Holy Spirit.  Let us pray that today and the whole week will be, “worship in Spirit and in truth.”

David Johnston – Creek Road Campus