Big Idea

Jesus is the Good Shepherd, the good God of Psalm 23, so he is the goodness that leads us and goes with us and he is our journey’s destination (not the good and bad events of life that we experience along the way). 


Remind yourself through Psalm 23 that your security in life’s journey lies not in your environment – whether green pastures and still waters or the darkest valley – but in your Shepherd, the Lord Jesus.

To Think About

  1. Through his saving work our Good Shepherd provides all the blessings mentioned in this psalm. List all the various assurances that are given here.
  2. Which of these blessings do we often fail to make use of? How would life be better if we remembered what we have through Jesus?
  3. Which are particularly precious at the moment?

This might mean sharing a meal. It might mean sharing tea/coffee/dessert. This is time to catch up and share life.

Read Psalm 23

Going around the room, so each person gets to speak, share one sentence reflecting on the bible talk/bible reading. What was most helpful to you?

What does this mean to me?
What are the significant issues that were raised for you personally?
Are there questions that stand out for you more than others?
What did others think was the main issue and why?

What do you feel about what is being said in this passage? How does it impact you emotionally?

What is one area where God might be challenging you to make a change?

Living Church is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland
PO Box 554, Carina Q 4152
07 3398 4333 |