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Encountering Jesus transforms our lives.

Luke 7:50, Luke 8:48, Luke 17:19 & Luke 18:42

50 Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”

48 Then he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”

19 Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”

42 Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has healed you.”

Cross, Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Daily Devotion, Transformation 

a “sinful woman” who wet Jesus’ feet with her tears and poured perfume on them;

a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years now healed;

one leper out of ten healed by Jesus who came back to thank him;

a blind beggar who kept calling out to Jesus, addressing him as the son of David, now healed.

Each of these people’s lives are changed from the moment they encountered Jesus. They are saved, healed, made well, given sight. They have been given peace where there was constant turmoil. They have been given new lives, the chance to start again. Jesus tells each of them to receive this new life and go and live it.

In healing the tangible things that each of these people needed, Jesus showed his power and authority to also heal their spiritual sickness—their need to be forgiven and restored to God. Each of these people would have gone on to encounter future physical problems and death itself. I wonder how this encounter with Jesus changed how they faced these?

What’s your story? Have you encountered Jesus and been changed forever by him? Have you had your eyes opened by Jesus, known his forgiveness, peace, restoration with God? Do you trust that his death on the cross and resurrection to life has also brought new life to you, by the same Spirit at work in you?

If so, how has your life been lived differently because of it? How does your story interact with Jesus’ story? How has it been changed by him?

If you haven’t encountered Jesus, what’s stopping you from asking for his forgiveness and peace with God today?

Head: If someone asks you today what your life story is, what will you say?

Heart: What does it mean to you to have peace with God? Is God’s peace a reality in your heart?  

Hands: What will it mean for you today to rise and go, living a life transformed by knowing salvation and peace with God?

Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for your forgiveness, salvation and peace through Jesus. Please help me today to live the new life you have called me to, in the strength of your Spirit. Amen.

A song to listen to: Made Alive

Ros Cree- Creek Road Presbyterian Church- Carina


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