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The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?

When the wicked advance against me to devour me, it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall.
Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear, though war break out against me, even then I will be confident.

Psalm 27:1-3

Whom or what do you fear? We often become fearful of people or circumstances in our lives. The overbearing boss, a rowdy neighbour. Having less money or stuff. Illness and infirmity. The fear of the virus striking us or a member of our family.  The fear of economic or social chaos in the not too distant future.

But if the Lord is your light and salvation, the stronghold of your life, whom should you fear?

No one else but him!

You see our battle is not against flesh and blood, but principalities, and powers in the heavenly realms. The attacks look different in the physical realm. They look like, illness, and lack, and strained relationships. The world is full of sin and brokenness, enemies seem to lie in wait all over the place. It’s easy to give in to fear.

But do not, do not give in to fear of this world because the one who is in us, who is greater than the world, has overcome it. The Lord is our stronghold, and he cannot be broken, he is our light that has overcome the darkness and reigns in blinding radiance. The Lord is our salvation, saving us from the consequences of sin, and taking the sting from death.

Fear has no place anymore, for the righteous blood of the lamb has freed us, by his perfect love.

We can be confident because we have a faithful and powerful stronghold, our heavenly Father.

No plot of the evil one, no man-made dilemma, no tragic occurrence or sickness, or pain and suffering, can destroy you. You have been bought, and you are a treasured possession of the King, bought by the precious blood of Jesus.

Grow Deeper

But not only was there a promise of a conquering king, but also a suffering servant. Read Isaiah 52:15-53:12.

How does hope look in this passage?

How is this hope different to the other passages we have seen so far?

How does suffering lead to hope for the suffering servant?

How is this hope fulfilled in Jesus? How is Jesus both the suffering servant and conquering king? How is Jesus the conquering king because he is the suffering servant?


My Lord and God, I confess that I still fear the things of this world more than you. I forget that you have overcome the world, the devil, sin and death. I can be overwhelmed by circumstances, and lose sight of the truth that you have revealed in your word, and in Jesus.

Thank you for forgiving me when I do not trust you Father, and remind me of who you are and what you’ve done for me. Teach me from your word by your Spirit and through your people, about your perfect love, and your mighty salvation.

Thank you that you are my stronghold, my light, my salvation. In Jesus’ holy name, Amen.

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