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Family Growth Term 1 2019

Week 1-Fit for the Kingdom

Big idea

True and lasting joy is found when our name is written in heaven.

Bible passage   

Luke 10:1-24 (Key verses – Luke 10:17-21)

All Ages Activity

Take turns for each group member to tell about a time they had their name written on something special like a school award certificate or a sporting trophy.

How did they feel when this happened? How did their family and friends feel?

Cross,Jesus,God,Holy Spirit,Daily Devotions


We feel joy when hard work or achievements are recognised with our name on certificates or trophies but we need to be careful not to be distracted by recognition of achievements in this world. Jesus wants us to focus more on that fact that our names are written in heaven – the promise of our eternal life with Him in heaven. Awards and trophies won’t last forever and we can’t take them to heaven with us.

In the Bible passage, Jesus warned the disciples against rejoicing in their amazing achievement of demons submitting to them in His name. Jesus told the disciples to rejoice instead that their names were written in heaven.

Jesus wants us to do the same and be joyful because of the promise that our names are also written in heaven – not because of anything we have done but by believing in Him as our Lord and Saviour.

Prayer idea

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the joy of achievements in this world, but help me to not be distracted by them. Thank you even more that my name is written in heaven because I believe in you as my Lord and Saviour.

In Jesus name we pray.


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