March 2019

Carry Your Cross

Family Growth Term 1 2019 WEEK 9 – Carry Your Cross Big idea Jesus says his kingdom is like a fantastic party to which he

What is true hospitality?

Jesus commands us to take an eternal perspective on hospitality – not a worldly view of what we can get out of it, but one

The Welcoming Kingdom

Jesus invites us into a kingdom where rules and arrogance don’t keep people out. Let’s not keep people out either. Luke 14:1-14 One Sabbath, when

Count the Cost.

The cost of following Jesus may be high. The cost of not following him is even higher. Luke 13:31-35 31 At that time some Pharisees

Outside the door?

It is sobering to think of being outside the kingdom. Luke 13:22-30 22 Then Jesus went through the towns and villages, teaching as he made

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